April is awareness month for a few causes I care deeply about...this year, I'm highlighting one that is more newly near and dear to my heart #LimbDifferenceAwareness.

Last year, I gave birth to my second son, Lockwood. He was born without his right hand and forearm. Thomas Macker and I didn't know until the moment he was born. It was shocking. Congenital limb differences were not on our radar at all of things to be worried about. We had plenty of other things to worry about from our experience with the HELLP Syndrome with our first son, but this was truly a speechless moment for us. To be honest, the first thing that popped into my head after he "popped" out was that life really is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. But we got Woody and he has taught us so much in just 14 fast months.

Over the course of April, I'm going to share insights into what our parenting journey has been - and how our lives have changed - since we welcomed #MightyWoody into the world. I've hesitated to go into it too much as we are still very much processing in place, but I was encouraged by a new friend I met at the grocery store who also has a limb difference. He said to be sure that Woody gets the chance to know what this journey was like for us because when he is older he will wonder. So I will share some posts here, and will be logging them in a journal for Woody.

To kick things off, please check out the Lucky Fin Project - it is one of our resources as we learn to navigate this amazing new world. #LuckyFinProject may be familiar to any of you who have seen Finding Nemo and know about Nemo's lucky fin. Well, my son's got one too!


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